Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States
The Management Information Systems of the Department of Finance is responsible for the financial management and time and attendance systems of the Government of the Virgin Islands.
The Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP Munis SaaS) is the Tyler Technologies’ suite of programs utilized by agencies in the Government of the Virgin Islands to integrate important financial data, streamline processes, manage human resource, payroll data and payroll processes throughout the organization. Within Financials, there are various modules which allow agencies the ability to easily manage processes associated with requesting, reviewing, contracting and purchasing from vendors. The Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Inventory Management and Fixed Assets modules, manage the entire lifecycle of a fixed asset, from acquisition to disposal, and integrates with other ERP (Munis) financial programs to provide complete agency-wide organization and efficiency.
STATS (Standardized Time and Attendance System) /TimeForce is a biometric automated system used for tracking and reporting time and attendance for all employees of the Government of the Virgin Islands.
Technical questions regarding ERP (Munis SaaS) and STATS can be communicated to the MIS Help Desk via email (dofhelpdesk@vi.gov) or telephone (340.774.4750 or 340.773.1105). Requests for system access can be submitted to the MIS Help Desk via email to dofhelpdesk@vi.gov.
© 2018-2020 Government of the Virgin Islands Department of Finance